04 September 2011

don't used

Craigslist is a winner today!
the important part:

The picture is small, so here is a recap:
12bike for boy .he dont used this bike long time . it is very good condition and very nice and nice color . call me xxx xxx-xxxx

Everything about this is fabulous.

New and improved...or, is it?


Sport Entainterment Remains

When the sign disappeared for a few days, I thought it might be out for repairs. Turns out, they were just changing the name of the establishment (and telephone number). The sign-maker never caught his mistake...

Quote Happy

Up Close:
"Hardwood Floors" and "Off-street Parking"

I always learned that when part of a text was in quotes, it meant it wasn't really true, but was what someone said/thought was true. In this case, one would assume there are not really hardwood floors, but something else that could be mistaken for hardwood floors. Unfortunately, this doesn't really attract me to want to live there. Additionally, off-street parking in quotes might mean parking on the sidewalk?

27 August 2011

very fishe


Found in an antique store in Georgetown.
It seems to be hand-painted and was found in a bin with some other similar hand-painted signs, each containing a year between 1975 and 1979. Does this mean anything?

17 August 2011


6th & Jackson

Maybe they were never closed?
Also, this is the first time I've ever seen ice cream as a hyphenated word.

18 July 2011


This is not in Seattle, and is probably old news, but I had to share it somewhere:

Grammar rules shouldn't change.

15 May 2011

Teach Your Children Well

"Sho Nuff."

Maybe this is something people say, but I will never understand why we encourage bad grammar (and backwards letters) in our children...

Fixing mistakes

Sign work, Rainier & Gennessee
This used to say "Airbrush Photography Aperel." Looks like someone informed them of the mistake! I'm curious to see how they change the grap in Photography.

one word or two?

From Seattle Stranger SLOG.
My dictionary is old. It's possible I missed a change. Is "wanna" officially a word?

01 May 2011

apostrophes always cause problems

"Apology's" for the poor quality photo. This is from one of my favorite places, so I'm not disclosing--but really? Why is it "different brewery's" but not "different style's?"

29 April 2011

So many weighs

Near the Gum Wall, Pike Place Market.

The weigh to my heart...might be through this eraser-colored wall...or being nice. WHOAH!

29 March 2011

syllable switcheroo

"Sport Entainterment"
S. Brandon St. and Rainier

One of the "entainterning" things about a diverse neighborhood is the little spelling and grammar errors made in translations. I wonder if they know? What would they do if they did?

27 March 2011

Drive Nice

It seems the Seward Park Grammar Police beat me to this one.
Thank you for changing that adjective to an adverb! Seriously, what were those sign-makers thinking? It's not a bad idea, though. "Drive Nice(ly), It's Contagious." Apparently Seattle has "Drive Nice Day" once a year. I think they should change it to "Nice Driving Day." Read about it here: http://www.driveniceday.org/. You can get a free sticker.
I also like the added touch of the exclamation point. Drive nicely, everyone! (and not just once a year, please.)

11 March 2011

The initial inspiration for this blog

"Dump No Material Whatever"
Located on E. Olin Pl. on Capitol Hill
This sign campaign showed up sometime last year in Interlaken/Louisa Boren Park
I'm still not sure what it even means...They forgot the so?
So after I first encountered this slogan or motto or law(?), I started noticing a lot of other terribly written signs around town. And taking pictures of them.
Many more to come...