29 March 2011

syllable switcheroo

"Sport Entainterment"
S. Brandon St. and Rainier

One of the "entainterning" things about a diverse neighborhood is the little spelling and grammar errors made in translations. I wonder if they know? What would they do if they did?

27 March 2011

Drive Nice

It seems the Seward Park Grammar Police beat me to this one.
Thank you for changing that adjective to an adverb! Seriously, what were those sign-makers thinking? It's not a bad idea, though. "Drive Nice(ly), It's Contagious." Apparently Seattle has "Drive Nice Day" once a year. I think they should change it to "Nice Driving Day." Read about it here: http://www.driveniceday.org/. You can get a free sticker.
I also like the added touch of the exclamation point. Drive nicely, everyone! (and not just once a year, please.)

11 March 2011

The initial inspiration for this blog

"Dump No Material Whatever"
Located on E. Olin Pl. on Capitol Hill
This sign campaign showed up sometime last year in Interlaken/Louisa Boren Park
I'm still not sure what it even means...They forgot the so?
So after I first encountered this slogan or motto or law(?), I started noticing a lot of other terribly written signs around town. And taking pictures of them.
Many more to come...