15 May 2011

Teach Your Children Well

"Sho Nuff."

Maybe this is something people say, but I will never understand why we encourage bad grammar (and backwards letters) in our children...

Fixing mistakes

Sign work, Rainier & Gennessee
This used to say "Airbrush Photography Aperel." Looks like someone informed them of the mistake! I'm curious to see how they change the grap in Photography.

one word or two?

From Seattle Stranger SLOG.
My dictionary is old. It's possible I missed a change. Is "wanna" officially a word?

01 May 2011

apostrophes always cause problems

"Apology's" for the poor quality photo. This is from one of my favorite places, so I'm not disclosing--but really? Why is it "different brewery's" but not "different style's?"